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Live your best life yet

Healing of the Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul.

I help clients achieve their physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being by identifying subconscious limiting beliefs, repetitive patterns, and emotional blocks, by reprograming their subconscious mind with empowering beliefs so they can move forward and accomplish their best life yet.


What we offer

Yellow Flower

how I can help

I help clients achieve their spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being by identifying subconscious limiting beliefs, repetitive patterns, and emotional blocks, and reprograming their subconscious mind with empowering beliefs so they can move forward and accomplish their goals.​

I can help with the following things
and so much more: 

  • Abuse, and its emotional legacy.

  • Healing a broken heart.

  • Physical illness.

  • Fears and phobias.

  • PTSD. 

  • Feeling disconnected, lost, or suicidal.

  • Obtaining greater levels of confidence, self-worth, clarity,  prosperity...


meet Linda

It started very early for me – an overwhelming desire to help others. Some call it a “higher calling”. Whatever it was, from an early age, I wanted to become one of those people who could help others eliminate pain, increase health, and navigate this journey of life painlessly, effortlessly, and joyously.

This desire led me to a lifelong exploration – an obsession really - into the vast wonders and mysteries of the seen and unseen worlds. I threw my mind, heart, body, and soul into the pursuit. Any spare time I had was spent sitting in the self-help or metaphysics aisles of my local bookstore, an archaeologist of words and ideas, digging into fascinating mysteries.

About Me
Head Shot Linda.jpeg
ThetaHealing® Practitioner, Instructor, with a Master and Certificate of Science

start your journey


empowerment series

I can help you create more love, joy, balance, abundance, and physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  

We can heal your past.  Release old inherited genetic patterns and move forward in creating all that your heart wants and desires for you and your family.

Image by Edz Norton

our happy clients
